Who is Cozy Color Quilts?
My name is Beth Ann Graybeal. Quilting has always been a loving way to extend comfort to others. Recently, Cozy Color Quilts has shifted focus to designing quilt patterns that are appropriate to donate to Quilts for Kids, Inc. in PA. Through QAL & Donate events, any and all quilters are invited to join in, bring a friend, sew with other quilters, and donate their finished quilts to QFKs. It's a quilter's way of extending a hug through the joy of quilting.
QAL & Donate events are held 1-2 times a year. During these free events, you will receive a CCQ pattern as well as opportunity to win weekly prizes. And the best part is the joy you receive simply by joining together with other quilters for something beyond ourselves.
I'm looking forward to having you join us for the next event!